Measuring Features

ThinkGeo measuring features by ac.

When creating a GIS application you should consider adding functionality that would allow users to measure features, areas, and distances. This could greatly enhance your application and overall user experience. Map Suite comes with all the necessary APIs to add measuring tools quickly!

You can create custom measurements by simply drawing on the map by tracing features such as roads, building, fields, etc. to get exact measurements. In addition you have complete control over the unit and system to support metric and imperial allowing you to localize your application.

Moreover, with Map Suite you can reproject your shapes to a local projection to get accurate measurements. Get this sample to see how you can use projections to measure with more accuracy.

Not a developer? Get the Map Suite GIS Editor which includes a robust measurement plugin allowing you to perform a number of measurements. For instructions on using the Measurement Plugin within the GIS Editor go to the wiki.


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