Cloud Services
ThinkGeo Cloud Developer
ThinkGeo Cloud Developer provides access to ThinkGeo’s Cloud Maps at up to 5,000 API transactions per day and is intended to be used during the development of your applications. It is included with your purchase of Desktop Maps, Mobile Maps, Web Maps, or the Ultimate Edition. Purchase Cloud Maps for larger allowances to be used in a production environment.
Base Maps
Our Base maps are a great starting point for your mapping application. With just a few lines of code, you can add great looking vector and raster maps backed by OpenStreetMap, Natural Earth, and other openly available datasets. See the Cloud Maps product page for more information.
World Vector Maps
Satellite Imagery
Hybrid Maps
WMS Tile Server
Sample Code
Location Services
Routing, address look-ups, and more location-based services are available to easily integrate into your application. See the Cloud Maps product page for more information.
Reverse Geocoder
Service Area
World Maps Query
Sample Code
Offload your data projection, figure out what timezone you are in, or just get a pleasing set of colors to style your GIS data with using our Cloud Utilities. See the Cloud Maps product page for more information.
Color Utilities
Sample Code
* Feature available, but no specific sample.