Reducing Datasets for Offline GIS Applications

Do you have a GIS application that requires little data deployment? Map Suite offers utilities which allows you to extract data to create smaller data subsets. These utilities can be used to create smaller basemaps and geocoding datasets to streamline your deployments.

The Geocoder Data Reducer allows you to generate a new smaller geocoder index based on specific US states. You specify the directory of the full data and select the states you want to reduce the complete dataset to.

For your basemaps you can use the World Map Kit Data Extractor which allows you to produce new smaller subsets from the World Map Kit SQLite master database. You can simply specify a shapefile for or bounding box for the new area then it will “cut out” only the part of the world you care about. This is a very helpful tool considering the complete dataset is over 150GB.

ThinkGeo offers a number of GIS developers tools to assist you with all your mapping needs.


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