ThinkGeo UI 14.1 is Here

ThinkGeo UI 14.1 has been officially released! This release includes the much-anticipated support for MBTiles.

The 14.1 release also includes many stability enhancements and bug fixes. You can find full details on the release in the full changelogs for Desktop, Web and Mobile.


MBTiles Support

The MBTiles file format is an open specification based on the SQLite database. Files can contain raster or vector tilesets and it’s designed to allow you to package many files into a single tileset.

The new ThinkGeo MbTilesLayer can be used for your vector-based mbtiles and the MbTilesRasterLayer for raster datasets. You can find more details on these layers here and both classes are in ThinkGeo.Core which can be used on any of our map components.

To see a sample of the new MbTilesLayer in action, just clone the HowDoI samples from here, run the solution and then click on the ‘Display a MBTiles File’ under the ‘Map Offline Data’ section of the samples. This shows you examples of using the MbTilesLayer with a vector dataset styled with a .json file.


Your style json file needs to conform to the Mapbox or MapLibre style specifications. You can find more details on the thinkGeo MBStyle class and styling here.

If your .mbtiles file is raster-based, simply use the MbTilesRasterLayer in the same way, but there’s just no need to pass in a .json file for styling since raster tiles are pre-rendered and cannot be styled by the client.

Come back later this week when we go into more detail on how to use the new MBTiles layers in your application.


We Welcome Your Feedback

If you have any additional questions on ThinkGeo UI for .NET MAUI, please email or schedule a meeting to talk in person.

About ThinkGeo

We are a GIS software company founded in 2004 and located in Frisco, TX. Our clients are in more than 40 industries including agriculture, energy, transportation, government, engineering, IT, and defense.

We pride ourselves on our excellent service and transparency. ThinkGeo offers a variety of products and services to meet almost any GIS application need. We can even help you develop your next project - anywhere from a few hours of consulting to outsourcing an entire project. To learn more, email us at, or call us direct at 1-214-449-0330.


Using MBTiles


Dynamic Rendering and Labeling in MAUI