ThinkGeo 14 has Arrived!
We're excited to announce the launch of ThinkGeo UI 14.0, featuring the official release of ThinkGeo Mobile for MAUI!
For our Desktop and Web customers, don’t worry - version 14.0 also includes many of the new features you've requested.
The highlights are below, but you can also browse the complete changelogs for 14.0 and 13.3 in our docs for Desktop, Web and Mobile.
Official MAUI Release
.NET MAUI is an evolution of Xamarin.Forms and allows for native, cross-platform desktop and mobile apps all in one framework.
In February, we launched beta support for .NET MAUI. Since then, numerous customers have begun using the beta component and have provided valuable feedback, which has been incorporated into today's full release.
Existing ThinkGeo Mobile and Ultimate customers will receive the full MAUI control free of charge. To enable MAUI in your development environment, just download Product Center 14 and contact If you’re a Desktop or Web customer, you can begin a 30 day evaluation in Product Center 14 and take MAUI for a test-drive.
If you want to see this in action, just pull the 'HowDoI' samples, or view the code and start building your own MAUI maps!
Part 1 - Overview and Showcase targeting MacOS and iOS
Part 2 - Showcase targeting Windows and Android
Stay tuned for future posts where we'll delve deeper into the capabilities of the new MAUI control.
OGC API Features (WFS 3.0)
While full MAUI support grabs the headline on the 14.0 release, there are other new features that will be available on all ThinkGeo platforms. This includes support for OGC API Features (formerly known as WFS 3.0).
Check back next week for a follow-up post with more details on using the new OgcApiProgressiveFeatureLayer in your application. If you want to see the new layer in action right now, just check out the ‘Ogc Api Feature Server’ sample under the ‘Map Online Data’ section of the new Mobile 'HowDoI' samples.
Enhanced Multi-Touch on WPF
The 14.0 release also has improved multi-touch support for WPF apps using touch screen displays. Your users will feel at home with pinch-zoom-rotate gestures that behave like iOS and Android interfaces.
Check out this article to learn more about enabling touch gestures on your WPF desktop applications.
Other Enhancements
14.0 also introduces support for KML files on linux. And we’ve also removed the C++ redistributable from ThinkGeo.Core to streamline your deployments to docker and other containerized services.
Debugging has been enhanced with the addition of a new ThinkGeoDebugger class. This allows the developer to configure detailed logging information from our components to your log source of choice. We will have an updated Debugging Tips post soon that will detail how to leverage this new functionality.
We’ve also included many bug fixes and stability improvements in this release. From NOAA layer fixes to printing enhancements, we want to thank our users for reporting issues on the community forums and helpdesk.
Also, if you’ve started implementing the new async/await model that was introduced with 13.2, you’ll be happy to know that 14 includes many improvements including the addition of a new CancellationToken.
14.1 Is Coming Soon!
While our team has been busy with the major 14.0 release, we’ve also been working hard towards a 14.1 release in late May or early June. 14.1 will add support for .mbtiles and the MapBox style spec. This will provide an easy api to consume .mbtiles and style them with standard Mapbox style json or your own custom styles.
We Welcome Your Feedback
We are committed to improving our products and encourage our users to post any suggestions or bugs to our Community Forums. You can also submit a ticket from our helpdesk and our support staff will be happy to guide you through any questions you may have.
If you prefer a more direct approach, we would enjoy a conversation with you. Please feel free to schedule a meeting by clicking here. We look forward to discussing our products and how they may fit into your organization.
About ThinkGeo
We are a GIS software company founded in 2004 and located in Frisco, TX. Our clients are in more than 40 industries including agriculture, energy, transportation, government, engineering, IT, and defense.
We pride ourselves on our excellent service and transparency. ThinkGeo offers a variety of products and services to meet almost any GIS application need. We can even help you develop your next project - anywhere from a few hours of consulting to outsourcing an entire project. To learn more, email us at, or call us direct at 1-214-449-0330.