ThinkGeo Cloud Enhancements

ThinkGeo Cloud laptop and tablet background

The latest version of ThinkGeo Cloud has been released.  Registered ThinkGeo accounts will notice the changes immediately. Once logged in to ThinkGeo Cloud users will be met with a slideshow tutorial covering all of the Cloud basics.


We have also re-designed the look of the Cloud console to make it easier to identify all of the available REST APIs that you can demo during your evaluation and we’ve streamlined your ability to get hands-on with our online samples as well.

ThinkGeo sample icons

Lastly, we have added a “Samples” menu section on the left sidebar of your Cloud console that will link you to the appropriate online sample you wish to demo. 


We know these changes will go a long way in enhancing your ThinkGeo Cloud experience and if you need any additional assistance or have any questions feel free to contact us anytime. 


ThinkGeo Cloud’s Time Zone API


ThinkGeo’s Vector Map Library is now using WebGL