Xamarin Forms HowDoI Samples Now Available

Since our last update, we’ve been hard at work updating our HowDoI Samples for Xamarin Forms and we’re happy to announce that ThinkGeo UI for Xamarin Forms “How Do I“ samples are now available on Gitlab!

Introducing ThinkGeo UI for Xamarin Forms

Released in September of this year, ThinkGeo UI for Xamarin Forms is an addition to the Mobile Maps suite that brings the power of our core features to Xamarin Forms. With our tools at your fingertips, it’s easy to integrate beautiful maps into your Xamarin Forms apps. For help getting started, check out the new HowDoI Samples on Gitlab, described below.

ThinkGeo UI for Xamarin Forms “How Do I” Samples

We’ve just released the first version of our Xamarin Forms HowDoI Samples, a repository of code samples to help you get started with ThinkGeo UI for Xamarin Forms. With the HowDoI Samples, you can find examples on everything from using various data formats, queries, data, styling, and more. Our core features include:

  • Support for a broad range of data types, including Raster, Vector, Database, and Web Service Layers

  • Numerous built-in and custom style options

  • Map drawing, map tools, and custom overlays

  • ThinkGeo Cloud Maps services and client-side support

  • Offline drawing support


What’s Next?

We’re continuing the improvement of our samples across all of our products, so stay tuned for updates!

You can read about the background on our samples overhaul initiative, as well as more on general and future updates at ThinkGeo, in this blog post.

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, feel free to contact us


ThinkGeo UI 12.3 Released


Winforms HowDoI Samples Now Available