Updated CAD Support and Samples
CAD-Embedded Styling
Custom ThinkGeo Programmatic Styling
We are pleased to announce our renewed membership as a Sustaining Member of the Open Design Alliance (ODA) and our commitment to supporting CAD data in our components. ThinkGeo has improved support for both .dwg and .dfx file formats. All your georeferenced CAD data can be rendered on the map with either the embedded CAD styling or using all the ThinkGeo styling classes that you’re already familiar with.
To see the this functionality in action, you can check out our ‘HowDoI’ Samples here. Just clone the repository, sign up for a free evaluation, and run the solution in your .NET IDE of choice.
When viewing the ‘Display a CAD Layer’ sample, you’ll notice radio buttons that let you switch between the embedded CAD styling and custom ThinkGeo styling (see code blocks below).
// Style the Baltimore Zip layer using the styling embedded in the .dwg file
CadFeatureLayer cadLayer = new CadFeatureLayer(@"/path/to/my/dwg");
cadLayer.StylingType = CadStylingType.EmbeddedStyling;
// Style the Baltimore Zip layer with ThinkGeo styles.
CadFeatureLayer cadLayer = new CadFeatureLayer(@"/path/to/my/dwg");
cadLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.DefaultLineStyle = new LineStyle(new GeoPen(GeoColors.Blue, 2));
cadLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.ApplyUntilZoomLevel = ApplyUntilZoomLevel.Level20;
If there are any topics that you would like to see in future blog posts, we encourage you to send your suggestions to sales@thinkgeo.com.