Aerial Imagery for Your Offline Mapping App!


Building an offline application which requires aerial maps? With World Map Kit Imagery, you can now add aerial imagery for the US completely offline! This demo of World Map Kit Online will let you review the quality for both the vector and aerial imagery data.

World Map Kit Imagery offers imagery tiles through Amazon’s Requester Pays Bucket for easy data management. This dataset is composed of multiple small image files (JPEG2000) and each file covers a block of approximately 3 x 4 miles. The complete dataset has over 220,000 files with a total size of around 5.7TB. The size of each file varies, most of them are approximately 25MB, but some can go up to 100MB. You can download the complete set or only the areas that are of interest to you.

If you are a licensed user for World Map Kit Imagery a custom utility has been developed that allows you to download these images. Note, you must also have an Amazon S3 account. To start building your GIS app try Map Suite today!


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