Applying a Directional Styling in a WPF Application
This ThinkGeo WPF ApplyDirectionPointStyleForLineStyle functionality for .NET Core will guide you through drawing lineStyles in the form of directional arrows on a map. The direction Point can be an image or a glyph, it not only rotates the icon across the angle of the road, but also provides a way to customize the rotation of the direction point.
Using “ClassBreak” styling to create dynamic maps
In this project you will see how to use the ClassBreakStyle to group and render features by values. ClassBreakStyle is a useful technique as it allows you to group various features by the specified values, then applies differently style to the feature groups. One of the first steps in creating an interactive map that highlights different classes of data is creating unique iconography to translate that onto the map.
Using WPF “TextStyling” with ThinkGeo UI
When you think of displaying points on a map, usually you think of representing them with symbols or icons. ThinkGeo’s PointStyle class is typically employed here, but what if you have a font containing symbols you want to use?
Video Spotlight: Getting Started with ThinkGeo UI 12 & WPF
ThinkGeo UI WPF for .NET Core takes GIS application development for the Windows desktop to a whole new level, with a .NET Core-native control that packs the full power of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). With blazing fast rendering performance, powerful mapping features and support for the most popular data formats, ThinkGeo UI Desktop WPF for .NET Core makes GIS accessible to developers of any skill.
ThinkGeo S-57 Nautical Charts Viewer
ThinkGeo has given its nautical chart support quite the overhaul. Our newly-improved Nautical Charts Layer reads and displays S-57 Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC) from the International Hydrographic Organization, and integrates with our GIS UI controls so you can display those charts in your own applications. This new layer can also read and apply style information defined in an S-52 file. Best of all, it’s 35% faster than our previous-generation Nautical Charts Layer!
Using the ThinkGeo UI Control for WPF in Your WinForms App
The ThinkGeo UI control for WPF is designed to produce professional-grade GIS applications, delivering maps with higher performance and responsiveness than our control for WinForms. But did you know that ThinkGeo’s WPF control can be used to enhance your WinForms apps as well?
Getting Technical: ThinkGeo Drawing Performance
This ThinkGeo WPF performance sample can render 16,000 count of rectangular shape features ; then it will distribute the shapes throughout 4 layers evenly. After clicking the [Start] button the sample application will update 1,600 rectangular shape features per 1,000 milliseconds, the time lapsed of the features being drawn will display in the application footer. Evaluators of the sample can modify the update rate, update features count, and enable or disable the layers.
Add Background Maps through Map Suite WPF
We’ve recently created a sample that allows developers to interchange popular base maps as their background while using Map Suite WPF.