53 Million New POIs
ThinkGeo Cloud has been updated with 53 million POIs from the Overture Maps Foundation - Microsoft, Meta and Amazon.
ThinkGeo Cloud Geocoder goes “Global”
The range of application for a high performing Geocoding utility is within the developer’s control. From simple data analysis/visualization and customer management to distribution techniques that give you the edge over your competition. When addresses are geocoded the immediate benefit for users, whether novice or professional is that the data can be visualized and then analyzed which can lead to greater depths of data immersion and deduction.
ThinkGeo’s 2019 U.S. Retail Closings Map & How We Built It
To create this map, we first gathered and aggregated U.S. store closings from major retailers like Sears and Family Dollar, who have issued these as simple lists of addresses. We then used a process called geocoding to convert those addresses into geographic coordinates; ThinkGeo offers both a cloud-based geocoding API and an embeddable geocoding component for .NET that can process thousands of addresses in seconds.
Map Suite Geocoder 2018 Data Refresh
Map Suite Geocoding is a native geocoding and reverse geocoding component for .NET that lets you convert a street address into a geographic location and vice-versa. It can also deliver additional details like county, FIPS codes, census tract and more. Plus, it ships with an optimized set of United States street data based on the latest TIGER® data from the U.S. Census Bureau.